JavaScript Part

Here you’ll find some information on xross JavaScript part.


Do not forget to include jQuery and xross itself in your templates:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/xross/xross.js"></script>


Setting debug attribute to True allows xross to put debug information into browser console.

xross.debug = true;  // Remember to set this before other xross calls, e.g. automate().


Allows to adjust a prefix for data- attributes of elements.

Attributes with this prefix will be considered by xross.

Default: x. E.g: use myx to pass all data-myx prefixed attributes to xross (data-myxsome, data-myxother, etc.).


Arguments: xross_class, handler_name

Instructs xross to attach its handlers to page elements with a certain class (xross by default).

// You can instruct xross to watch for page elements with `xross` class.

// Or any other, e.g. `x`. Automate elements with the default `ajax` handler.


Arguments: el, handler_name, params

Under the cover automate() uses this method to describe various page elements in terms of xross.

// Attach the default (`ajax`) handler to 'my_element'.

xross handlers

xross relies on so-called handlers to perform certain actions.

Each handler can accept certain parameters to adjust its behaviour.

The default handler is ajax.

AJAX handler

Alias: ajax.

AJAX handler is the default one. It simplifies sending AJAX requests to server and handling responses.


You can listen to the following events on your xross elements:

  • xrossajaxbefore: Fired right before AJAX call. Event has xrossData and xrossFormData attributes.
  • xrossajaxafter: Fired after AJAX call is complete (both on success and on failure).

Supported parameters:

  • op: operation identifier for server side. On server it is usually a name of a function to be executed.

    If not set ID attribute value of a current DOM element is used as operation ID.

    Default: null. Examples: null, myoperation.

  • method: allows to set HTTP method for AJAX requests.

    Default: GET. Examples: POST, GET.

  • target: allows to define a target DOM element over which some actions would be performed on success.

    Accepts a string (elements are addressed by their IDs) or an element object

    Default: this. Examples: this, mydiv.

  • event: allows to define a DOM event which triggers AJAX functionality.

    If set to auto, xross will try to detect a proper event basing on element type.

    Default: auto. Examples: auto, ready, click.

  • success: allows to set an action to performed on success.

    Accepts a function or a string (a function path, or action alias).

    Function should accept the same arguments as jQuery.ajax().success() plus a target DOM element.

    Default: fill. Examples: fill, replace, my_obj.my_method.

    Action aliases:

    • empty - empties target element;
    • remove - removes target element;
    • fill - replaces target element content with data from server;
    • replace - replaces the whole target element with data from server;
    • append - appends data from server to target element contents;
    • prepend - prepends data from server to target element contents.
  • error: allows to set an action to performed on request error.

    Accepts a function or a string (a function path, or action alias).

    Function should accept the same arguments as jQuery.ajax().error().

    Default: log. Examples: log, my_obj.my_method.

    Action aliases:

    • log - dumps error description into browser console.
  • complete: allows to define a function triggered after both operation success and failure.

    Accepts a function or a string (a function path).

    Function should accept the same arguments as jQuery.ajax().complete().

    Default: null. Examples: my_func, my_obj.my_method.

  • form: allows sending form data to server via AJAX.

    Accepts a string (forms are addressed by their IDs) or a form object

    Default: null. Examples: null, myform.